|  | | This course provides students insights regarding key concepts, theoretical perspectives, essential skills and abilities, critical thinking and problem solving skills necessary for effective change and crisis management within organizations | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favorable outside the firm environment, as well as an effective internal communications program. The various types of business communication media are covered. This course also develops an awareness of the importance of succinct written expression to modern business communication | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course introduces contemporary and controversial ethical issues facing the business community. Topics include moral reasoning, moral dilemmas, law and morality, equity, justice and fairness, ethical standards, and moral development. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their moral responsibilities and obligations as members of the workforce and society. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course provides a thoughtful, practical guide to the process of successfully launching and growing an entrepreneurial firm. To do this, the module provides students with a thorough analysis of the entrepreneurial process. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course focuses on presenting and discussing the various principles and concepts of Human Resources Management. It stresses the policies, programs and methods that have been developed and implemented successfully in the field.
This course include the discussion of the various functional activities of Human Resource Management such as planning, recruitment, selection, job analysis , performance appraisal, training and development, compensation, career planning and promotion, safety and health, and labor relations. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course provides a thoughtful, in depth analysis of the international business environment and the effects of globalization on social, economic, legal and political environments. Students will need to understand the implications of globalization in the vast majority of jobs they will hold in the future, whether operating in a large MNE or a small exporter. This Course helps preparing them for the complexities of this global environment. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course will develop your knowledge and understanding of contemporary theories and practices of knowledge management (KM) by examining the relationship between a theoretical understanding of knowledge management and real-life situations and by integrating different dimensions of knowledge management arising from human resource management, information systems and strategic management. The course will explain the concept of `intellectual capital’ and how it is managed and exploited in organizations. The course will demonstrate a critical understanding of knowledge management policies and strategies in organizations that enhance effectiveness. You will be able to apply a range of transferable skills including literature search, analytical skills, application of theory to real-life situations, teamwork, motivation and interpersonal skills. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | The intent of this course is to further provide management and analytical concepts/tools for the management of operations and the decision-making process within the scope of the supply chain. Nowadays, most of the operational strategies involve improving operational efficiency either through cost reductions or increase capital efficiency. Decision-making regarding operational issues is one of the most common tasks within organizations. This course will enhance students' ability to perform the quantitative analysis necessary and understand the management issues in order to make good operational decisions within the organization. Coverage is topical and will include operations strategy, forecasting and scheduling, process design, capacity planning, location and layout decision, inventory management and enterprise resource planning | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | Operations research helps in solving problems in various environments that needs decisions. Coverage is topical and will include Fundamental decision theory models, decision tree, linear programming, transportation, assignments, and network models (PERT & CPM) | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course deals with human behavior in a variety of organizations. Conceptual frameworks, case discussions, and skill-oriented activities are applied to each topic. Topics include communications, motivation, group dynamics, leadership, power, the influence of technology, and organizational design and development. Class sessions and assignments are intended to help students acquire the skills that managers need to improve organizational relationships and performance and understanding of basic and fundamental concepts of organizational behavior (OB). The course will increase student awareness of the theoretical and practical aspects of OB. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course includes the study of the evolution of management thoughts through the study of the various management cools, the functions of the management process i.e.: planning , organizing , directing and control, it also includes the study of the various functional departments in the organization such as , production, marketing , finance, human resource management . . . etc. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to research methods. These methods are diverse and range from qualitative to quantitative to mixed techniques. The primary goal of this course will be to introduce methods utilized in research but the focus of students should be on developing a research design useful to solving any research questions that may be encountered in future | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | The aim of this course is to introduce the concept of supply chains (SC), and explore the key issues associated with the design and management of industrial supply chains. The course will therefore consider the efficient integration of suppliers, factories, warehouses and stores to maximize the speed and quality of product delivery. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | Quality is a key concern of almost all organizations. High-quality goods and services can give an organization a considerable competitive edge. Good quality reduces the costs of rework, waste, complaints and returns and most importantly, generates satisfied customers.
Some operation managers believe that, in the long run, quality is the most important single factor affecting an organization’s performance relative to its competitors. Even when a good-quality operation is designed and its activities planned and controlled, the quality manager’s task is not finished. Total quality management (TQM) has probably been the most significant approach to managing operations improvement.
Quality Management: Creating and Sustaining Organizational Effectiveness, Second Edition explores how quality management has progressed from an emphasis on the management of quality to a focus on the quality of managing, operating, and integrating customer service, marketing, production, delivery, information, and finance areas throughout an organization's value chain. This course is designed to enable students to recognize the cornerstones of creating and sustaining organizational effectiveness, this is based on key quality initiatives, including Six Sigma, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, ISO 9000, lean manufacturing, and value creation. | Business | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course aims to introduce the mathematics in relation to business and economics applications, it consists the rules of linear and quadratic equations and differentiation and there relation to supply, demand, revenue, cost and profit applications. It also introduce the mathematics of finance, integration, and matrices
| Finance | 1.Bachelor | | | | | Personal Finance is a course designed to help students understand the impact of individual choices on occupational goals and future earnings potential. Real world topics covered will include income, money management, spending and credit, as well as saving and investing. Students will design personal and household budgets; simulate use of checking and saving accounts; demonstrate knowledge of finance, debt, and credit management; and evaluate and understand insurance and taxes. In addition to decisions related to retirement and after death plans. This course will provide a foundational understanding for making informed personal financial decisions on the ground of prevailing values in the Arab world in general and in Jordan in particular. | Finance | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course is designed to provide the student with necessary tools and techniques to understand and treat with financial statements of firms in order to identify their financial position and evaluate their performance. In addition to provide student with models used to forecast the future performance of different types of firms | Finance | 1.Bachelor | finance | |  | | This course represents an overview of financial system as a whole and, in specific, it concentrates on banking industry and its related risks. The financial statements, and the evaluation of bank performance will discussed, also this course will cover other topics like the bank management policies of liquidity, lending, and capital, with an emphasis on the various types of risks encountered by banks | Finance | 1.Bachelor | | |  | | This course views the investment process by explaining its concept, objectives and later moves to examine the procedures adopted for financial securities, as in stocks and bonds. Students will also be introduced to the concept of risk and return, portfolio formation and finally, performance evaluation | Finance | 1.Bachelor | |